Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do i know if i need therapY?

At This Life Therapy, we understand that therapy can be a valuable tool for navigating life's challenges and enhancing personal development. If you're considering whether therapy might be right for you, reflect on the following questions:

Are you experiencing feelings that seem overwhelming, such as sadness, fear, or anger, that make daily life difficult?
Do you find it hard to cope with stress, and do life's changes seem daunting?
Have there been notable changes in your sleep patterns, appetite, or energy levels that affect your daily functioning?
Are you withdrawing from social activities, feeling isolated, or struggling to maintain connections with those around you?
Do you face ongoing challenges in your personal relationships that leave you feeling distressed?
Is there a past trauma that continues to affect your present, hindering your ability to move forward?
Do issues with self-esteem or self-image consistently weigh on you?
Are you turning to unhealthy behaviors or substances as a way to cope with issues in your life?
Do you feel stuck or directionless, lacking motivation or purpose?
Are you dealing with a loss that you find difficult to move beyond?
Are you experiencing physical symptoms that do not have a medical basis?
Have others expressed concern about your mental health, or do you have concerns yourself?
Is making decisions becoming increasingly difficult, leaving you feeling paralyzed or anxious?
Do you notice patterns in your life or relationships that are unsatisfactory or damaging?
Or, are you simply seeking personal growth and a deeper understanding of yourself?
If you find yourself nodding to any of these points, it might be helpful to explore therapy. Remember, therapy is not just for crisis; it is also a proactive step towards a more fulfilled life.

If you find yourself nodding to any of these points, it might be helpful to explore therapy. Remember, therapy is not just for crisis; it is also a proactive step towards a more fulfilled life.

How much does therapy cost?

At This Life Therapy, we understand that therapy is an investment in your mental health. Costs vary depending on the therapist and the type of therapy session. We encourage you to reach out for specific pricing and to find the right therapeutic match for your needs. We strive to make therapy accessible and offer sliding scale options for those requiring financial assistance.

How much is therapy with insurance? do you take insurance?

Navigating the financial aspects of therapy, including insurance, is a vital step toward starting your mental wellness journey. Dr. Shamtobi is affiliated with Lyra, and thus, sessions with them may be covered by your plan if you are a Lyra member. For clients with other insurance providers, we are considered out-of-network. We endeavor to make this process smoother by providing detailed super bills, which you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. We recommend checking with your provider to understand the specifics of your out-of-network benefits for mental health services.

How long is a therapy session?

A typical therapy session at This Life Therapy is 50 minutes long. This duration is a standard across many therapeutic practices and is considered sufficient to engage in meaningful work without causing client fatigue. It's also conducive to effective time management for both the therapist and the client.

However, we understand that each client's needs are unique, and therefore, we offer flexibility in session lengths when recommended by the clinician and agreed upon by the client. Whether it's extending the time for deeper exploration or shortening it for younger clients or specific interventions, our goal is to accommodate your needs to maximize the benefit of each session.

The 50-minute length is a practice with roots in the early days of psychotherapy and is also aligned with current insurance reimbursement policies. Nonetheless, at This Life Therapy, our focus is on providing the time you need to work through your concerns in a supportive and structured environment.

What Is the Typical Duration of Therapy to See Results?

The length of time spent in therapy varies widely among individuals. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all service, and the duration depends on your unique goals, needs, and the nature of the issues you're addressing. Some clients achieve their objectives in just a few sessions, especially when focusing on specific issues. For others, therapy is an ongoing process of personal growth and self-discovery, without a strict timeline. At This Life Therapy, we are committed to creating a supportive environment that fosters understanding and collaboration. We aim to make each session productive and ensure that you are comfortable with the pace of your progress. Should you feel the need for a different approach or perspective, we are always ready to help you find a mental health professional who might be better suited to your needs. Your well-being is our priority, and we tailor our approach to best support your journey.

How much does ADHD/Autism spectrum disorder assessments cost?

A typical therapy session at This Life Therapy is 50 minutes long. This duration is a standard across many therapeutic practices and is considered sufficient to engage in meaningful work without causing client fatigue. It's also conducive to effective time management for both the therapist and the client.

However, we understand that each client's needs are unique, and therefore, we offer flexibility in session lengths when recommended by the clinician and agreed upon by the client. Whether it's extending the time for deeper exploration or shortening it for younger clients or specific interventions, our goal is to accommodate your needs to maximize the benefit of each session.

The 50-minute length is a practice with roots in the early days of psychotherapy and is also aligned with current insurance reimbursement policies. Nonetheless, at This Life Therapy, our focus is on providing the time you need to work through your concerns in a supportive and structured environment.

What Is the Typical Duration of Therapy to See Results?

The financial aspect of ADHD/Autism Spectrum Disorder assessments is a significant consideration for many. At our clinic, we strive to provide these evaluations at a reasonable cost, recognizing the importance of accessibility. The price of assessments can vary, so we encourage you to reach out to us for specific fee information.

We are also here to support you in dealing with insurance matters. While Dr. Shamtobi is paneled with Lyra and we are out-of-network with other providers, our team will assist you in understanding and navigating any out-of-network insurance deductibles. This includes helping you with the necessary paperwork to pursue potential reimbursement for your assessments. Our goal is to minimize the financial burden so you can focus on receiving the support and insights you need.

Can you explain your confidentiality policy?

This Life Therapy adheres to the strictest guidelines of client care in regards to confidentiality, following the tenants outlined by the American Psychological Association (

Confidentiality is a crucial aspect of therapy, and is always discussed in your intake session. We have outlined a general framework of the standards you can expect to be upheld in your therapy below:

 Legal and Ethical Standards:

 Therapists are bound by legal and ethical standards that require them to maintain confidentiality. They are obligated to keep all information shared by clients confidential, with some exceptions (discussed below).

 Informed Consent:

 Clients are typically provided with a clear and detailed informed consent document at the beginning of therapy. This document outlines the limits of confidentiality, potential circumstances under which confidentiality may be breached, and the purpose of sharing information.

 Exceptions to Confidentiality:

 Therapists are obligated to breach confidentiality in certain situations, including:

 If there is a risk of harm to the client or others.

 If there is suspected abuse or neglect of a child, elderly person, or dependent adult.

 If a client poses a serious threat to their own safety.

 When required by law, such as in response to a court order.

 Limits of Technology:

 Therapists often address the limits of confidentiality when using technology, such as encrypted communication platforms for teletherapy. Clients may be advised to ensure a private and secure environment for virtual sessions.

 Consultation and Supervision:

 Therapists may consult with supervisors or colleagues to ensure the quality of care. However, during these consultations, efforts are made to avoid revealing identifying information about clients.

 Storage and Protection of Records:

 Therapists are responsible for securely storing and protecting client records. This includes both physical and electronic records.

 Third-Party Involvement:

 Therapists typically require written permission from clients before disclosing information to third parties, such as family members, other healthcare professionals, or legal representatives.

 Client Access to Records:

 Clients usually have the right to access their own therapy records. Policies may outline the process for clients to request and review their records.

 Termination of Therapy:

 Confidentiality policies often address how information is handled after therapy has ended or in the event of the therapist's retirement or death.

 Communication with Minors:

 When working with minors, therapists often discuss the limits of confidentiality with both the minor and their legal guardians. Depending on local laws, therapists may involve parents or guardians in certain situations.

It's important for clients to carefully read and understand the confidentiality policies provided by the therapist. Open communication between the therapist and client about the boundaries and limitations of confidentiality is a key aspect of building trust in the therapeutic relationship. Clients are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification if needed.

Are Remote Therapy Sessions Offered for Convenience?

Yes, we offer remote therapy sessions to ensure accessibility for all clients. These virtual sessions are as confidential and effective as in-person therapy, providing flexibility for those with busy schedules or transportation challenges.

Our goal is to provide you with clear, helpful information about our therapeutic services and practices. Whether you're considering starting therapy, curious about our approach, or have specific questions about the logistics of working with us, we're here to offer guidance and clarity. Therapy is a personal and profound journey, and having the right information can make all the difference. Below, you'll find answers to some of the most common questions we receive from our community. From understanding the therapy process to navigating session details and payments, we strive to ensure you have all the resources you need to feel informed and confident as you embark on this path.

If you don’t find the answers you're looking for here, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly. We're committed to providing support and fostering a welcoming environment for all those seeking to improve their mental health and well-being.

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